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CONFIDENCE Can it gained over night? READ MORE
FOCUSDoes it escape you? READ MORE
SELF-DISCIPLINEIs it a learned behaviour? READ MORE
CONFIDENCE Can it gained over night? READ MORE

Confidence can be described as a belief in one's ability to succeed. Striking a healthy balance can be challenging. Confidence is a belief that comes from within. Belief in your own competence, belief in your ability to learn and problem solve and belief in your own self-worth. Too much self-confidence and you can come off as cocky and stumble into unforeseen obstacles. Too little can prevent you from taking risks and seizing opportunities-in school, at work, in your social life, and beyond. SHIRUDO Martial arts encourages individuals to believe in themselves and their own unique abilities Within the SHIRUDO Martial Arts environment of Positive Encouragement and its practice of Goal Setting, students can very quickly start to increase healthy self-confidence levels. Studies have shown that when given all the same advantages, the difference between those who succeed and those who fail, is the ability to set goals. Learning how to Set Goals is one of the major components of studying SHIRUDO. As a student achieves his or her goals, they also learn the value of Perseverance, and gain a stronger Self-Belief, which in turn dramatically increases Self Confidence Levels.

FOCUSDoes it escape you? READ MORE

Do your children have difficulty concentrating on one task, before the thought of the next creeps in? If the answer is sort of or yes. SHIRUDO Martial Arts can help. We help children and teens, gain better focus and concentration skills by encouraging short segment learning, working on one task at a time and weekly repetition of those tasks. SHIRUDO Martial Arts does not encourage students to focus on goals just to get to the next grade or belt as fast as possible. This is truly short term thinking and does not develop focus in the right areas. Rather, we work with our students by setting goals such as improving a certain technique. By setting smaller achievements daily, we encourage the focus to be on what they genuinely want to be, and in that way, they can manage upsets, setbacks and disruptions better. This can also apply to their daily lives. You can do and be who you want to be with honesty, hard work and true to yourself goals. Eliminate distractions and calm the mind When starting SHIRUDO classes during our meditation at the beginning, students are encouraged to breathe deeply, clear and calm their minds of the day's events and worries and start to focus and fully engage in the class ahead with no distractions. This is applicable to daily life, when you are about to start a project, engage with your child or participate in a meeting at work, leave all distractions behind and focus on what is in front of you. Focus, like SHIRUDO Martial Arts, takes time to learn. Both skills must be developed, but once they are, they will naturally spill over into all the activities or projects that a student attempts in their daily life.

SELF-DISCIPLINEIs it a learned behaviour? READ MORE

One of the most important lessons we can all learn in life is to continue to persevere through difficulties until we reach our goal. Developing self-discipline allows us, as individuals, to tackle difficult tasks and be successful without questioning our ability or self-worth. Self-discipline is a learned behaviour. Like any other skill, it requires practice, patience and repetition in your daily life, and It is not easily defined. Self-discipline is not just about the process of pursuing a goal. It is more specifically about the ability to control desires and impulses, to stay focused on what needs to be accomplished to successfully achieve a goal. Self-discipline involves committing to long-term gains without falling prey to instant gratification along the way. Increasing self-discipline with SHIRUDO Martial Arts Encouraging healthy habits of motivation and discipline through SHIRUDO martial arts helps to prepare our students for any goal, inside or outside SHIRUDO classes. SHIRUDO Martial arts teaches self-control and how to remove temptation. In order to succeed you must remove bad influences and things that make us weak. We all have setbacks. SHIRUDO students are encouraged to acknowledge them, learn from them and move forward. Setbacks are learning experiences for the future. Staying positive is key at SHIRUDO.

SELF-DEFENCEWhat does it mean to you?READ MORE
RESPECTHow do we show respect for others? READ MORE
LEADERSHIPHow do we build a good leader? READ MORE
SELF-DEFENCEWhat does it mean to you?READ MORE

While self-defence is a countermeasure that involves defending the health and well-being of oneself from harm, it does not always have to be physical. As a matter of fact, the act of physical self-defence should only ever be used as a last resort, and only used when all other options have been exhausted. SHIRUDO Martial Arts training teaches students how to defend themselves both non-physically and physically against an attacker. Part of our philosophy is fighting physically is not always the answer  if  he or she is in control of his or her emotions and can bring about a peaceful conclusion to the situation with other learned skills from SHIRUDO Martial Arts such as Respect, Leadership and Self Control. Avoidance, De-escalation or Verbal self-defence – At SHIRUDO Martial Arts students are taught the use of words to prevent, de-escalate, or end an attempted assault. Confidence is key. SHIRUDO teaches students to let their words control their emotions and actions, instead of letting their emotions control their words and actions. Students are taught the concepts and theories needed to stay safe in any situation. Through SHIRUDO martial arts training, students are taught to be aware of their surroundings and avoid potentially dangerous situations and confrontations.  Understanding the mindset of a potential attacker is also extremely important to avoid or escape a potentially life-threatening situation. When avoidance is not possible, martial arts training arms students with methods that can be referred to as 'break away' techniques so that they can get away and not engage any further. Physical self-defence is the use of physical force to counter an immediate threat of violence. This sort of defence should only ever be used as a last resort to protect oneself or someone else. SHIRUDO Martial Arts teaches students how to be mentally tough and be in the proper mindset to execute any type of defence technique should the need arise.  It is great if you are skilled in the physical aspects of defensive techniques, but if you lack the mental toughness and tenacity to execute it, you will not be able to perform - especially under duress.

RESPECTHow do we show respect for others? READ MORE

A life filled with respect offers many advantages, including being more successful. People respond better and want to help those that respect and care for them. Being polite is more than good manners, it can also build mutual respect, admiration and friendships. At SHIRUDO Martial Arts, all students develop a sense of respect for both authority figures and their peers. It is something that is carried throughout all facets of life. Our students learn how to be verbally respectful to others and our disciplined environment encourages this behaviour. At SHIRUDO when students enter the mat, they often bow to their instructors and peers. This is not only a respectful signal of acknowledgement; it also shows that they are ready to focus on training and respect the space they are in and the lesson they are about to learn. Respect and discipline go hand in hand Respect takes discipline. By being disciplined in things like controlling movements, holding back force and continuing to train even though you might be tired, students are learning how to have great regard for the environment they are in and those around them.   Discipline enables students to maintain control of their situation and continue to behave in a respectful manner, regardless of feelings of annoyance, weariness or boredom. When we respect others, we respect ourselves Respect for others becomes respect for oneself. Respect for others is extremely important if there is going to be peace and harmony amongst us all. Student's training at SHIRUDO learn how to respectfully express themselves and come to a mature decision or conclusion. Through training, children, as well as adults, can learn to stay calm, despite making mistakes, and work with others to improve their skills.

LEADERSHIPHow do we build a good leader? READ MORE

We strive to craft our students into well-rounded individuals who can guide, manage, supervise, direct and control a situation. A good leader can possess all these things, but is also honest, communicative, confident, committed, positive and creative. Our first lesson at SHIRUDO is to lead by example. In order to be a good leader, students must first understand when to follow instructions and when to respectfully question authority. Continuing to lead by example, our instructors teach courteously yet resolutely. Our students learn to follow instructions by reasonable teachers who are asking students to behave appropriately, with no negative moral consequences. Teamwork Leads to Leadership No one can be a good leader if they do not first understand how to be a member of a functioning team. Understanding how to move a group to action through your own passion is a major part of becoming a good leader. Understanding your own limitations and having the courage to select team members who excel in those areas is the hallmark of a good leader. Lessons in leadership through martial arts Our leadership training is built on the premise that every student possesses unique strengths and they all have the ability to be a leader. Students learn to become self-reliant, take initiative, plan ahead, set and track goals, complete assignments, prioritize their time, manage their emotions, be considerate of others, express viewpoints persuasively, resolve conflicts, find creative solutions, value differences, and live a balanced life. This in turn impacts all, from our instructors to the students, their families, and the community at large. SHIRUDO Students build strong foundations made from timeless principles and learn to be guided by their own moral compass.
